Wednesday, August 09, 2006


ok....i confess. i ate an extra cookie last night while i was stuck in the airport overnight waiting to fly standby this morning. it took me over about 4.5 points. however, today has been a great day.

if anyone is out there struggling with ww.....i just want to tell you that my big breakthrough with it has come since i started writing everything down. now that i am in the habit it is really not that hard. it's just about making good choices (isn't so much of life about making good choices?). you just have to choose to stick to it. writing it all down keeps you accountable.

well i just had a smart choices new york cheesecake with strawberry sauce. it is SO GOOD! 4 points of goodness!


At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's hear it for good ole accountability. it's keeping me on track too. you looked wonderful when you were here. keep on doing what you're doing, it looks great on you:)


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